On Thursday 28 January around 16.30 Dharmavidya was rushed to the hospital in St. Amand Montrond, France. He had been experiencing difficulty breathing earlier in the week and it has now been confirmed that he has four large blood clots in his lungs.
He has begun treatment and will most likely be in hospital for a while. It is still uncertain if he will respond well to the treatment but I will report on any further developments.
As he is unable to access his emails or do anything except rest and follow the treatment programme all his engagements in the near future have been cancelled.
Namo Amida Bu,
Susthama Kim
Dharmavidya's jissha
Lots of love and good wishes to this amazing man.
Diane Preddy
Posted by: Dr Diane Preddy | 30 January 2016 at 04:22 AM
Pray that he recovers. His books, teaching and example means a lot to me.
Posted by: Jonathan | 30 January 2016 at 07:22 AM